Α tax friendly home for your family and business.
Relocation of your business in Cyprus gives you a lot of operating advantages.
Find out how

Corporate tax is something you can now control.

Cyprus corporate tax rate is 12.5% , offering multiple tax exemptions and deductions on business expenses.

Operate your business worldwide under a friendly tax regime.

Register your business in Cyprus, under the Cyprus tax regime and do business all over the world, while enjoying the benefits and security of EU.

Your income tax is minimized with Cyprus Tax Residency.

Acquiring the Cyprus Tax Residency status enables you to enjoy the benefits of the low income tax regime of the country while you can live or travel anywhere in the world.

Why business relocation is a good strategy for your business?

Business Relocation in Cyprus enables you; your business; employees ; and family to live and work in the country under a residency plan, enjoying tax benefits. Also allows anyone to apply for naturalisation.

Relocation of business in Cyprus

Relocation in Cyprus either as a company or as an individual/ professional enables you to operate safely in an EU territory (and deliver your service/products worldwide) while at the same time you benefit from the attractive tax regime (one of the best in Europe) and reduce your tax exposure on your worldwide income.

  • Reduce your tax exposure on your income either as a company or as an individual under your employment in Cyprus.
  • Operate in or out of Cyprus effectively and deliver your services or products from under a secure EU legislation.
  • Move your company fully to a regulated EU country allowing to operate to anywhere without any restrictions.
  • Make yourself a Cyprus Tax resident and minimize your tax exposure on your worldwide income.
  • Reduce your labor and operational cost.
  • Be a part of the great opportunities and new investments happening in the country.
  • Move to Cyprus with the family.

Become a Cyprus Tax Resident

Cyprus tax residency is widely used from professionals, entrepreneurs, CEO’s, aviation professionals, athletes and artists that are constantly on the move. Cyprus tax residency gives the opportunity to any individual to benefit from Cyprus Income tax on his worldwide income.

  • No need for a physical presence in the country
  • Minimise your income tax on your worldwide earnings
  • 50% tax exemption on remunerations arising from Cyprus employment
  • Multiple Tax deductions on income 


Do you know about the Non-Domicile status?

Foreigners who decide to move their personal tax residency in Cyprus, can apply for the acquisition of Non-Domicile status in Cyprus for a maximum of 17 years.

Non-Domicile persons who become Cyprus Tax Residents will be completely exempt from Special Defense Contribution tax on dividends, income from interests and rentals.

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